Insights Into Our Research Topics

New Technologies

Consumer Decision Making in a World of Digital Tech and AI

As new technologies emerge, they may fundamentally alter the foundation of market information and consumer decision-making. It is crucial to understand how these developments affect consumer decision making in the evolving marketplace.

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Social Trends

Understanding Changing Consumer Decisions at the Point of Sale

In the dynamic landscape of consumer markets, the point of sale (POS) remains a critical juncture where purchase decisions are made. These decisions determine the commercial success of products and services and also reflect deeper societal trends and individual values.

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Behavioral Science

Better Decision-Making in Markets – Understanding and Improving Decision Processes

A central aspect of the socio-ecological market economy are functioning competitive markets. Certain factors can lead to inefficient decisions and inefficient markets, which the state often tries to counteract through regulatory intervention. The effect of these interventions are often unclear.

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You Are Interested In Our Research?

At the interface between science and practice, we examine, as a non-profit institute, how decisions of consumers and company decision-makers change in the face of new technological and social trends – and what the resulting impacts are. From our research, we generate new and relevant insights into how people can make better decisions in markets.


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For the practical relevance of our research, the exchange with experienced practitioners and their challenges is essential. As a practice partner, you have various opportunities to collaborate with the NIM.

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Events: Where you can meet us

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KI Navigator 2024

At this year's AI Navigator Conference at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center, Dr. Carolin Kaiser,...

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AMA Summer Academic Conference

At the AMA Summer Academic Conference in Boston, we will present a joint research project with the MAPP Center at Aarhus University on consumer perception and acceptance of new food technologies.

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Münchner Kreis

The Munich Circle, in partnership with the Hans Seidel Foundation, is organizing a conference...

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12th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI)

Title of the presentation: Hesel, N., Buder, F., Heimstaedt, A. & Dietrich, H. (July 2024):...

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