
  • Publications
  • Case-based individualization of business processes and e-services

Suggested Citation

Bodendorf, F. & Kaiser, C. (2008): Fallbasierte Individualisierung von Geschäftsprozessen und E-Services. WISU, 37(3).



Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf,
Dr. Carolin Kaiser
Publication title
Case-based individualization of business processes and e-services
Other Publications

Case-based individualization of business processes and e-services


Rising competitive pressure and increasing product and service individualization require the use of appropriately adapted business processes. New technologies such as Web services and service-oriented architectures enable the technical support of processes with flexible electronic services (e-services). However, existing methods for individualizing processes and e-services have considerable deficits. For example, their use is usually associated with a high level of manual effort. A system is presented that automatically generates proposals for individual processes and e-services for a given context. The system is implemented using Case Based Reasoning, an artificial intelligence methodology.This publication is only available in German.

(Diese Publikation ist nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar.)



Dr. Carolin Kaiser

Head of Artificial Intelligence

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