

NIM INSIGHTS Research Magazin VOL. 3: Review 2022 and Outlook 2023



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NIM INSIGHTS Research Magazine VOL. 3
NIM Insights Research Magazine

NIM INSIGHTS Research Magazine VOL. 3

Review 2022 and Outlook 2023

In the 2022 research year, we looked at the influence of new technologies on consumer decisions, the importance of sustainability and the important question of how better decisions can be made from the perspective of consumers and marketers. With our research, we want to provide consumers, companies, politicians, and society with relevant insights into how market decisions are changing in the face of new technological and social trends. The aim is to promote informed dialog based on empirical data and to create a basis for better decisions - in line with the promise of the social market economy "prosperity for all" (Ludwig Erhard).

In NIM INSIGHTS, the NIM Research Magazine, we have compiled for you what has particularly moved and inspired us in the field of research and studies over the past year.

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